As we noted in our COVID-19 Readiness Statement, we understand that the situation is fluid, and we continue to closely monitor updates from The Centers for Disease Control and other public health agencies to ensure safety best practices and business continuity. This means hoping for the best and preparing for the uncertain. It’s difficult to address the elephant in the room, but we must: what if one of us or both were to catch COVID-19?
Rest assured that there will be no disruption to our service because we are prepared with a business continuity plan that has you covered.
We are all in this together. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will follow guidance from public health officials and government agencies, so we can continue to support our clients and communities as needed.
To put 40+ years of experience in your corner, call (847) 440-5998 or contact us online today. We can begin with a complimentary, virtual consultation.